my only concern is that multi-media events in a large space can get easily get out of control
when they do, it disturbs our neighbors & threatens our ability to have public events
as commons volunteers well versed in our policies aimed to mitigate these threats have often failed to for such events, i feel inclined to want some assurance that they grok the existential nature of the matter
my interactions with the members that i have met have been exceptionally respectful
my concerns/suggestions are not anywhere near blocking & were raised merely for discussion

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 9:42 AM Yardena Cohen <> wrote:
Do we have consensus on this? I need to know by tomorrow's delegates meeting.

I'm inclined to say yes unless Sudoers have specific blocking concerns.

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 1:29 PM Yardena Cohen <> wrote:
> Hey Sudoers!
> These folks from the FYE collective want to join Omni. They're
> offering $350+ for a basement room that's currently vacant except for
> some junk. It's also got a messed up wall and a missing door and
> they're offering to fix it up. They'd also be maintaining the 'media
> lab' basement area adjacent to sudo (as common space).
> Our next delegates meeting is in a week (Thursday June 6). It would be
> great if people could reply ASAP with any questions or concerns they
> have, so we could consent next week. This is a 3 month trial period,
> so no huge risk to us.
> I've met with Asaad and Shido a few times. I love the positive energy
> they bring, and I think they are a really great fit for Omni.
> Thanks!
> Yar
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: FYE Collective <>
> Date: Thu, May 30, 2019 at 12:36 PM
> Subject: [omni-consensus] FYE Collective Application
> To: <>, <>,
> <>
> Greetings to all
> This is Asaad Bruno (AB) on behalf of FYE Collective - reaching out
> with a final application to join Omni.  Attached is our application
> and an introductory roster of the collective's core.
> We had presented a draft in final stages of this application during
> the last delegate meeting, receiving encouraging and constructive
> feedback. So we tailored our proposal down to a tangible plan, agreed
> as fair and dynamic, and now finally finished it after reviewing
> logistics with David K. yesterday, notably to activate/occupy Office
> #8 and the Community Lab.
> The process of discovering and integrating has been very educational,
> allowing to learn with excitement. We thank you all thus far in making
> this experience valuable in many ways, especially being facilitated by
> kind souls with creative spirit. Our collective is eager for the
> future growing with Omni!
> With the next delegate meeting a week away, we are hoping this
> application can reach as many collectives/members as possible for
> further advancement :)
>  Please feel free to reach us with any feedback - encouragement or concern.
> Thank you all for your consideration and time in processing this application.
> With love,
> AB
> FYE Collective
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