That's rather unfortunate. :(
I have found a lovely spot in Berkeley for myself and Atom & Iris. :) So finding a great spot even with bad credit is very doable.
Like with all things, being prepared is key. When I'm looking for a rental space, I bring the following to the showing:
- a Letter of Introduction (Like a cover letter. This should give a general introduction, what you are looking for in a rental, what kind of ideal tenant you are, and how long you are looking to rent)
- my Rental History
- a list of Professional References and Personal References (It would be great to get a reference from your last landlord)
- and my credit score (I'd include my credit report but it's just a tad too embarrassing)
If you really like a space be prepared to write a check on the spot. I have had prime locations rented out from underneath me by a more prepared applicant who signed a whole years worth of rent (who can compete with that?!?)
I have also paid a "finders fee" to a landlord or renting agent. This is in essence a bribe but this tactic has gotten me a great apartment in SF when the inventory was less than 1%.
Good Luck, Liberty!