Pro-tip 2: Kids also don't like to even see people kissing on screen. It grosses them out.

When you give a kid a voice in terms of what they find inappropriate, they will certainly tell you. I trust my kids to tell me if what they are seeing is uncomfortable or inappropriate (whether its too violent, too intense, or too sexy) then we either fast forward or stop the movie or leave the room. 

If there were a sign saying Bike Smut on the door, my kids wouldn't even set foot in the room.

Having a sex positive attitude starts with your own attitudes about sex. How we model our attitudes about sex are passed to our children (who can sniff discomfort a parsec away). I've had a lot of success answering my kids questions about sex and I feel good about the continued dialog we share. Kids all learn about sex, and I would rather be the source of information (or direct them to accurate sources of information) than their uninformed friends at school (eg coca cola is good birth control).


Raymond Lai
Father of 2 (ages 13 & 10)

On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:56 PM, Naomi Gmail <> wrote:

Pro Tip:  Kids go to bed earlier than adults. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 21, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Jehan Tremback <> wrote:

Would be kind of weird to bring your kid to sudoroom and have porn on the big screen. For those opposed to the concept of children, I have it on very good authority that you were children at one point. Hypocrites.

On Apr 21, 2013 7:18 PM, "aestetix" <> wrote:
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Please provide clarification on what "kid friendly" means?

On 4/21/13 3:30 PM, Andrew wrote:
> Hey,
> I would love to have screening of bike smut at Sudo Room! There are
> some concerns, however, mainly because we are a kid friendly space
> and want to make sure that if we do have an erotic screening it's
> done in a way that makes it clear to everyone whats going on. Also
> our screen is in a common area, so maybe it would be best to work
> with public school to have the screening in a more semi-private
> space (their room).
> --Andrew
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 2:08 PM, revphil <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi, we had a grand screening in Davis! Really responsive Q and A
> afterward!
> Hope to answer your various questions soon!
> rev
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:26 AM, Vicky Knox
> < <>> wrote:
>> In my late night ramblings I forgot to provide links!
>> Bike Smut <> Fabulous Friday Films
> <>
>> Hacking Sexual Health
> <>
>> 2013/4/18 Vicky Knox <
> <>>
>>> THE BACKGROUND: The people from Bike Smut and I think it would
>>> be
> fun and
>>> fascinating and fabulous to have a screening of their erotic
>>> bike
> films at
>>> Sudo Room as a combo of Fabulous Friday Films and Hacking
>>> Sexual
> Health.
>>> Bike Smut encourages "sex-positive bikers to make short films
> about bikes
>>> and sex to help spread a message of joy and liberation through
> sexuality and
>>> cycling". Everything they do is non-commercial, and is backed
>>> by
> the desire
>>> to demystify and provoke more open thought and conversation
>>> around sexuality.
>>> We would like to do this on Friday, May 17th in the evening.
>>> WE NEED YOU: The films are of course erotic in nature, and
>>> will
> involve
>>> nudity and sexual acts. Please let me know if you have any
>>> concerns, reservations or clarifying questions--we realize
>>> pornography may
> not be for
>>> everyone, and are sensitive to any concerns you may have. :]
> -- 7 years of sex-positive, human-powered porno ________Hop on The
> Porny Express________ ----------------------- Bike Smut
> ------------------------
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> mailing list
> <>
> -- ------- Andrew Lowe Cell: 831-332-2507
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