Lovi: Apologies for not seeing your email to me of yesterday. I am on vacation in a remote area w/o consistent cel coverage, and am not thoroughly checking emails.
I am very sorry this incident occurred. I was able to communicate with Jorge yesterday afternoon to not return to omni and have confirmed he will not come back. Due to my limited cel coverage right now, I didn’t have the ability to have a spoken conversation with him but I was able to text him, and he indicated he understands not to return. I am not sure whether or not he totally understands the full context of why he was asked to not return. When I am back in town, I will also call him. (Yar, if possible perhaps you could be on that call as well.)
I previously observed Jorge working for a few days at omni and nothing indicated to me that he was prone to behavior like this. From what I had previously observed, he kept his head down to focus on his work and did not strike up conversations with anyone.
Moving forward I will be explicit that anyone working to help improve omni should not come within 3’ of any community member in the space, refrain from touching anyone under any circumstances, and to give folks my number if community members approach them with anything more than a straightforward question. I have already informed the folks repairing electrical at omni of this protocol.
Separately I think it also may be prudent if community members could, whenever reasonably possible, perhaps minimize any non-critical interactions with contractors, unless of course there is a safety concern.
Again I am sorry this occurred, and thank you again for speaking out about this.