Hi all,

My company had a fire incident with a laser cutter (let this be a lesson for all of us about laser cutter safety!). Although most of the parts are still good, they've decided to simply replace the entire machine with a new one.

Let me know if you are interested in taking the old one. It's offered as-is with no guaranteesĀ made and no responsibility taken, but we think it could be brought back to working condition with a little elbow grease and, obviously, replacing the cover.

The laser still works, as do the Y and Z axes. The X axis needs the belt changed and the cover needs to be completely replaced. Then everything will have to be recalibrated. We estimate it's something like 6-10 hours of work.

You would also need to arrange for transport from West Oakland.

It's a 100W Omtech unit, selling new for $3899. We really liked it, and replaced it with an identical model.

Let me know if interested and when you could pick it up.
