PROPOSAL: to let Scott sell books outside/nearby the omni up to 2 days a week

Dear OOC community,

I am intending to start selling books outdoors and on the street, and I'm wondering if there's a way that I can somehow do it, two days a week, nearby or directly outside the omni. I really think this has the potential to be good for everyone!

First, ways in which the OOC can benefit by this. I will make the finances of all sales public to the ooc, and would agree to either paying a nominal monthly fee (remember, this is going to be outside, perhaps between TAC and lanesplitters on 48th?), which would be sliding scale (ex: if i actually make any profit at all, the omni gets more $/month) or, preferably, 10% of (non-consignment) sales, which seems easier to me. This hopefully would also cover being able to store (2) boxes and my handtruck in the omni. The boxes would be likely be constant, but the handtruck would only be at the omni 1-2 nights a week max. 

Another way OOC members can benefit from this is through consignment. Both korl and Jenny have expressed interest in consigning some of their books for sale, and since my operation is so small, I think I could manage consigning with just about any core member of the ooc. The small size is a bit constrictive- I'll probably only have 100 books plus ephemera "on the shelves", and it will be completely curated, so I'll have to be really selective with consignment. BUT i'm really into this idea and hope that it will, in a small way, be able to financially help out members of the OOC who do so much unpaid labor for the omni. I already have multiple spreadsheets that i've been using to track consignments of my own books in local bookshops, as well as for TIL books i've been consigning to owl and company. It's been a couple months and i haven't let anything slip by, so i'm confident I could keep track of ooc members' books, should anyone want to consign!

Also, this will totally help bring more people into the omni (and La Commune too)! I think, since I'll only have about 100 books at a given time, a lot of people won't find what they're looking for and will likely walk inside omni to browse la commune's shelves :)

Being near the omni will help me out greatly. Since a lot of OOC members will be around, I would be able to go on quick bathroom breaks or grab more stock from my storage box, and be able to see all of you lovely people while "at work"! Plus, I'd get to spread the word about the omni to book-lovers and passersby, and occasionally play acoustic guitar while tending to the "shop", which would make my set-up even better.

My hope is that, although this project won't really operate *inside* the building, that it could still serve as a model for other business type tenants/member collectives in the omni, one that is based on transparency, gratitude, and mutual aid.

Other closing thoughts/concerns:

should I contact the Temescal Arts Center and see if they'd be okay with me setting up in between them and lanesplitters a couple days a week? does anyone have that contact info?

and, if I do sell books on the street and have it be loosely affiliated with the omni, would it at all pose any legal problems for us?

Thanks and love,


ps no problem at all if it doesn't work out for this bookselling thing to be associated with omni- there's plenty of outdoor space all over oakland! that being said, I think it could be really great. <3

pps i'll be having a small $1-$5 booksale tomorrow night in temescal alley (49th and telegraph) from 6-9 pm tomorrow night! Come drop by if you're free!