
Consider putting an H-bridge on the board also. Nice for bi-directional applications. 

Also think about MOSFETS instead of traditional power transistors as they have lower forward resistance and dissipate less power


On Friday, November 15, 2013, Hol Gaskill wrote:
OK Folks,

We've been talking about selling electronics kits as a revenue source basically since forever.

I've been going back and forth on a design concept and am converging on one that achieves the folowing compared to other Arduino clones:
A) lower cost
B) more power
C) increased hackability

basically the controller chip hooked straight up to an array of 7x 500mA power transistors, with a heavy duty voltage regulator of voltage range selectable at time of purchase

I am heading to sudo in a few minutes to draft a design for the first generation board, schematics of which which I'll send out in about an hour.  If anyone is around sudo or near email and wants to collaborate, I'm using http://fritzing.org/download/ software which I just installed last night but seems to err on the side of being easy to use.

Working capital requirements for this will not be very prohibitive, but I think a Kickstarter campaign would be a good way to get enough to bring costs down even further, not to mention get the word out.  Who's good at those?  I'll do the legwork, just need some tips&tricks.

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