---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Arie Meir" <ariemeir@google.com>
Date: Jun 24, 2015 12:13 PM
Subject: [sudo-info] reaching out from google.org regarding an assistive technology hackathon
To: <info@sudoroom.org>

Dear Sudoroom community,

I'm reaching out from the philanthropic arm of Google, Google.org which
supports non-profits aimed at technical innovation.

In our attempt to expand opportunity and independence for people with 
disabilities we have recently launched a campaign aiming to identify 
and support non-profits doing innovative work in the assistive technology space.
The reason for this email is that in addition to the campaign,we are  thinking of organizing
 a hackathon around mid-late august focused on assistive technology using this event
 as a source of inspiration.

The basic idea is to bring the need-knowers (people with disabilities and their 
families/caregivers) together in the same room with tech folks 
(hackers/makers/designers) and develop prototypes for affordable products that
could serve the needs of the community of people with disabilities.

We thought that the hacker community of Sudoroom might find it interesting/relevant
and some folks perhaps wish to participate.

We are trying to gauge the level of interest in something like this from
the hacker/maker/developer community. 

Thoughts ? Ideas ? What should we think of to make this event more 
relevant/interesting to the folks involved ?

With kindest regards,
On behalf of Google.org,

Arie Meir

Arie Meir | Technology Portfolio Lead, Google.org | +1.209.565.3886 | ariemeir@google.com 

Arie Meir | Technology Portfolio Lead, Google.org | +1.209.565.3886 | ariemeir@google.com 

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