Hey all,

I wasn't able to make tabling last Sunday (felt a little ill) -> I don't see any names on this list for this Wednesday.


Do you know if anyone's ready to speak? It starts at 8pm ... I'm helping co-host with Corey.




Romy Ilano

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Corey Johns <corey@x64.co> wrote:
Hey Romy and Marc

Both this wednesday and next wednesday is workable for my end of the 5mof prep. I went ahead and updated the wiki and created a new page for the upcoming 5mof.

I don't see a list of speakers signed up so I think there some logic in deferring to next week, especially given the tabling that can be done over the weekend.

Corey | @stackptr

On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 7:52 AM Marc Juul <Marc Juul > wrote:
Do you mean June 14th?

Also, no-one has created a new wiki page for the upcoming 5mof. Do you have any speakers signed up?

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On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Romy Ilano <romy@snowyla.com> wrote:
Hi I'm slated to cohost five minutes of fame with Cory this Wednesday. Is it possible to move five minutes of fame to Wednesday July 14?

A lot of people are in San Jose this week & temescal street fair is this weekend. It'd be cool to table and then tell people Sunday at the fair to come to sudoroom five minutes of fame the following Wednesday !



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