Oh dear gawd.  This is possibly the most moronic piece of "journalism" I have ever seen. 

Are they unaware of the fact that you can go to a lock-picking school(actually it teaches you way more), and that this is just a cheaper version of that?  (see: http://www.lock411.com/training.html).  

 Also, virtually no crime in Oakland involves skilled lock-picking, because it's a waste of time.  

Don't worry though, you can train in deadly martial arts, go to the shooting range, and buy ninja swords just about anywhere in Oakland, but picking a Masterlock is "appalling".  


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Anca Mosoiu <anca@techliminal.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Heads up. Looks like some folks aren't too happy that people are learning how to pick locks this weekend.


Here is Oakland Local's response:



Anca Mosoiu | Tech Liminal
M: (510) 220-6660
http://techliminal.com | T: @techliminal | F: facebook.com/techliminal

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Rusty Lindgren