You are totally right -- I am working on that language right now, in fact.

Here's the preview to that upgrade to the text, and I will also upload some pics later today.

Q: What's the money specifically for?

A: Roughly $15k is dedicated to electrical and building refits that will keep the city of San Francisco from finding a reason to shut us down.  We're paying C-10 certified electricians to do most of the electrical work and taking care of everything else ourselves. We're getting the professional electrical work at a decent non-profit rate, and the peace of mind that comes from laying down a solid and safe infrastructure rubber-stamped by the city will be priceless.

The remaining money will be allocated variously to more outwardly awesome stuff, like replacing parts in our MakerBots, producing the reward levels we're promising, building a dedicated A/V area in our space, reinstating our famous Red Phone, fixing our laser cutter, and lots of other devious plans to take over our hackerspace.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Jeremy Entwistle <> wrote:
Wow! That's nice.

I know you have costs listed on there, but some people will feel more
inclined to give money if they know more about how it will be spent.
When you just say structural improvements, that could mean anything. Are
we talking chandeliers and a diamond encrusted soldiering station, or
something more? :)

Take care,

On 07/23/2014 10:56 AM, Mitch Altman wrote
> Please spread the word!
> Noisebridge is a preeminent hackerspace that helped start the international hackerspace movement! We've won awards, we host hundreds of people each week, we have lots of free classes and workshops every day. We're always open, and there area always way cool people at Noisebridge working and playing on way cool projects. Everyone is welcome! After 7 years, we're now improving our infrastructure for the next many years. Our IndieGoGo campaign will help fund this much needed improvement.
> Best,
> Mitch.
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Naomi Theora Most

skype: nthmost