Hi sudo!
We've been in the process of more clearly defining membership, which will in turn help to clarify our monthly income as well as access issues.
If you consider yourself to be a current member of Sudo Room, please email me the following details:
*Name (can be pseudonymous)
*Contact Email
*Form of payment [cash, check, Gittip, WePay]
*Optional: Core project(s) / group(s) you're working on / with.
I'm setting up a SeltzerCRM instance to track door access codes and donations and remind members to pay if they're past due.
Once we have you as a registered, dues-paying member in the system, the next step will be assigning access codes.
Sudo Room remains, as always, open to anyone to drop in so long as a member is present! Becoming a member means you get your own keycode and the ability to vote on consensus items.
For those unable to pay the $10 minimum, please propose a worktrade alternative. We've recently added a New Members component to the weekly meeting agenda, so we can acknowledge new members and work out the details of their contributions then. I'm going to propose that once a month during this section, we go through work/trade memberships and check that a given project/task has been happening as proposed. Work/trade tasks might include:
* Holding a regular class or workshop (eg; 3D Tuesdays, Today We Learned)
* Maintaining infrastructure (such as the door rpi, the network, web presence)
* Cleaning (especially the common space kitchen, floor and furniture)
* Organizing the Room of Stuff
* Writing blog posts (kudos to Romy, who's been super prolific this year already!)
* Think of anything that would positively contribute to the space and/or community!