Hey Commoners,

I'll be helping out with this event Saturday morning 10am-1pm.  stop by the ballroom if it sounds interesting to you.

How can science be used as a tool for liberation?

Scientists and community organizer, Kendra Krueger, guides us through a process of reclaiming science as a tool for personal and social liberation. We’ll take a look at decolonizing the language of our current scientific paradigm and exploring the intersections of science, social justice, art and intuitive technologies. Using movement, games and physics we’ll reintegrate the analytical and intuitive mind and discover new methods to liberate our mind, body and spirit through knowledge, knowing and finding out.

Kendra A Krueger

4Love, Science and Liberation



Facebook: 4love+science
Instagram: 4loveandscience
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eGNz9V9tnhWjexMXCUTcg