A new 3D print option in Berkeley: http://www.fastcoexist.com/1681546/a-3-d-printing-vending-machine-for-all-your-prototyping-needs


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:14 AM, <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:
So from below I read $0.25/cm3 material cost

Based on rough properties i get these:
@ 1.25g/cm3*($40/1000g filament) = 5 cents/cm3 material cost

@ 1.25g/cm3*((180C-20C)*2J/gK*$.2/kWh*0.00027kWh/J) = 1.7 cents/cm3 heating energy cost...maybe we should try printing through a kill-a-watt to see how it adds up with motors, controller, PC too if we want the whole energy component of unit cost.

So the big question is really of labor, of who is going to do the manifold checking, slicing, setup, babysitting while it prints, and verification of the complete part, and how much is their time worth.  Volunteers?  Do we put that responsibility on the customer and offer accordingly lower prices?  If we go with that model, how do we foolproof the interface for the machines?  If there's interest, we could put together a proposal for crowdfunding a bank of 3D printers and staffing the operation.  This isn't the first time it's been brought up so maybe it's worth taking a closer look.

For metal, it's $8/cm3 +$6 handling at shapeways (http://www.shapeways.com/materials/steel)...anyone interested in joining that 3D printed rocket engine design competition? :)

Mar 15, 2013 09:50:47 AM, drorex@gmail.com wrote:
Just a note, I recently "reverse engineered" their pricing  uploaded several objects of a known size and put their prices into a spreadsheet), they dont actually tell you how they calculate it. It's:

>$6 + $0.25/cm^3, with a minimum price of $9.50 -- so it's definitely to your advantage to combine multiple parts into a single upload.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Adam Stiles adam.d.stiles@gmail.com> wrote:

For some reason it doesn't rank the printers by proximity -- there are actually many in SF and Oakland that don't appear on Page 1, so click through ... and maybe list the sudoroom printer to make a few bucks on the side?

Find a 3D printer near you.http://www.makexyz.com/

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