On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso@gmail.com> wrote:

*Half the room will still be avavilable, and could be Sudo's for approx $2k/month.
How many square feet are we getting in exchange for that $2k?
*It is 10 minutes walk from McArthur BART

That's not too bad, obviously closer is better, and MacArthur is not a very safe area at night, but it's oakland, what are you gonna do

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical@comcast.net> wrote:
You do realize that's very close to Ace Monster Toys?  If Sudo room moves up to the Berkeley Border, it would make sense to join with Ace Monster Toys.  Also, in my opinion that is way too far from Bart, and way too far from where I live, so I would probably not ever go there.  

Sounds like an interesting space though, and that is a better neighborhood than where AMT is now.  Maybe they would be interested in this space?


It's 1.4 mi away, which is relatively close, though not a super convenient walking distance. However they are looking for bigger cheaper spaces (minimum 3000 sq ft, and at most $1/sqft), so I'm not sure this would work. Also they have a requirement that anything over 2500sqft MUST have overhead sprinklers. That combined with the noise constraints might be an issue, since AMT has lots of big noisy toys (large CNC router tables, laser cutters, power saws, etc)