Elvis...er..ummm.. The Ladder has not left the building. It was found crouching behind a dishwasher, copying machine, and other items.

On Jan 27, 2018 9:51 AM, "Brendan Kierans" <bpkierans@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for looking into the fine print of the specs. Glad you caught that. 

Yeah, any ladder being sold will comply with an OSHA standard but specifically for electrical they ask for non conductive - I don't have time today to dive into that text today - material for the ladder so, wood or fiberglass. I honestly think you guys would be just fine with aluminium, I just want to make sure everyone is aware of what they are buying. It's not very often that I imagine Omni directly highering someone on a W2.

On Jan 26, 2018 11:13 PM, "Ken Litchfield" <litchfield.ken@gmail.com> wrote:

Once it all gets settled on the model, price, and parameters add some accessory costs for some bike locks or cable locks to make it easy to lock it close to whatever project it is needed for at the time andor its permanent storage spot. Copies of the keys could be left with Jenny, Robb, and a couple others so someone responsible could always get a key from some stash spot or person.

Thanks Ken

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 8:18 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com> wrote:
Ah, I didn't see that it slides down to half it's length - that is definitely useful. The old 13ft ladder was a handful to navigate through the hallway, and a 15' or 16' one might not even fit unless it can be collapsed down a bit. 

I do think it would make more sense for the ladder to be paid out of Omni funds, but the cost share is small enough that I'm not going to nitpick that. 

I would suggest we approve this purchase. And while we wait for everybody to get on board,  maybe we can look around a bit more for a better deal...


On Jan 26, 2018 6:45 PM, "Jenny Ryan" <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
To Brendan's points:
* The ladder you posted lists in specs: Step Ladder Maximum Height - Closed (ft.) - 8.58
The ladder needs to be A-Frame height tall enough to reach the ballroom ceiling (21' - 7' estimate human height reaching = 13' minimum standing from the top step, so 15' safely)
* Re: OSHA, the listing I posted states "The Skyscraper M15 exceeds all OSHA and ANSI standards and is rated to hold up to 300 lbs. " The postings Patrik listed all claim to be OSHA-Compliant, as well - can you post a link or quote the code re: aluminum ladders?

To Patrik's -
Most of the ladders on the Home Depot site all have estimated delivery times of March 1-6, are not adjustable, and store at full height (14'-16'), whereas the one I posted will arrive between Feb 6-9, is fully adjustable, and stores at 8' (meaning it can be transported on a car's roof rack, otherwise this cost would not be split with mesh). Also, the only ones sufficiently tall enough (16') are in the $600 range, except for the last one you listed:

That one's $433 and expected delivery between Feb 2-8

This one may suffice (ceiling reachable from the top step), and is fiberglass and $495. The 16' version is $597. Neither would arrive until March, tho.

If we go for the $433 ladder, we'd need to be able to store it at 16' and mesh wouldn't participate in the cost-share. Split equitably that'd be $150 each from Omni, Sudo & CCL, or weighted, $250 from Omni and $100 each from sudo & CCL.


Help open a professional kitchen at the Omni Commons in Oakland!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 4:08 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings Omninoms/sudoers/CCL'ers/meshers,

Last week, Omni's tall A-frame ladder disappeared from the entrance hall (if anyone noticed someone exiting the building with a ~13' wooden ladder, lmk).

Robb and I did a bit of research, and ladders that tall are hard to come by and fairly expensive. This 15' A-frame Little Giant seems to be the best bet:

Our scaffolding is bulky, takes time to set up, and doesn't reach the ceilings in the ballroom, entrance hall nor sudo/ccl. A bucket lift is ~10x more expensive, and wouldn't be able to access some parts of the building we'd use it in. With a ladder this size, we could use it for working on the ceilings everywhere - and mesh could use it for our Sunday node mounts.

The cost is $674.80, so I'm proposing the following financial split:
* Omni - $330
* Sudo - $115
* CCL - $115
* Sudo Mesh - $115

Ideas on how best to securely store it?

Please let me know asap if there are any blocking concerns or better ideas. I'll bring it up at the next sudoroom and mesh meetings and hopefully someone can bring it up at CCL's.


Help open a professional kitchen at the Omni Commons in Oakland!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"

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