July 17 2013
*Bill, Jordan, Max, Jenny, Marc, Rock, Timon(photos), Anthony R, Benji (stars), Antho (pipes), Tyler(no screen saver).
*Question favourite screen saver from history?
- Brief personal intros (< 20 sec per person)
=Announcements (Consent Agenda)=
- Every Monday 7pm: LOL / Oakland Makerspace Open Hack Night (1234 23rd Avenue)
- Talk to Jenny about carpooling!
- Regular check-in between The Public School and Sudo Room - Thursday evening Supper Club potlucks starting at 6
- Rusty
and Andrew are having a Jurassic Park-themed housewarming party this
Friday, party-o-clock (contact Andrew or Rusty for details)
- Looks like the weekend of the 27th/28th...
- Tax Status and Organizational Structure
- Bill spoke with Danny (NB) about 501c3 umbrella-ing and Jenny spoke with James (SchoolFactory)om
- Non-profit benefits include matching donations (employees &
- Getting an LLC is cheap and easy to do, ~700/year for taxes in California
- Liz Henry is doing a lot of research on 501c3 status for the feminist hackerspace starting in SF
Old Action Items:
- allow comments in tamale secrets file (jordan)
New Action Items:
- Add robots.txt for sudo room (open item for anyone to take on) MATT (out of town)
- [Postponed until necessary] Eddan - Reference letter from George
- Set up date for label-printing organizing of stuff event - Jenny!1 -troy
- git-ify & flow-diagram-ify our articles
POSTPONED - Jenny to call bank to find out about online access
Move more books inside Sudoroom
- Set up a Google Voice number that transcribes and forwards to an email address, which then forwards to a list of us (Tom)
=Fiscal Solvency=
this section we review our current financial situation and budget,
approve monthly budgets, and discuss any other finance-related issues.''
Exchequer: Marina
- +300 to be deposited from the lockbox
- Marina
received an email setup thing from the bank, but it didn't work. Bill
never got one. Marina will call the bank to GET SOME ANSWERS.
* Pay your dues :)
* Review and consensus process:
** Rent: $1500; Utilities: $220; Services: $50
**Target membership contribution: $88 per member (based on approx. 30 people)
=Amendments to the Articles of Association=
=Conflict Resolution=
=Discussion Spillover=
=Post-Meeting Groups=
- clean up electronic crap downstairs