three leaks, one on main floor (severity: medium), one on east mezzanine (medium), one on south mezz (mild)
Roof drainage:
- 48th st drain near corner door: is flooded / partially blocked at 2nd-story air gap, resulting waterfall down side of building. Water is flowing off roof but itappears that roof drainage is insufficient on this side and an additional drain must be added. Termination for this drain at curb: I just noticed is only about 20% of drain orifice, significantly reducing flow rate of bottom portion of drain. To fix, either the street must be dug out a bit around opening to unblock, or the sidewalk must be trenched and the horizontal drain level raised.
- 48th st drain closer to ANV room: drainage works but appears pretty slow; & termination at curb is 50% of orifice.
- 48th st drain near trash room (from ccl): flows, but w/ 60% clear orifice at curb face
The rest of omni from a cursory check appears leak-free.