Hello All,

While we face multiple hurdles as a collective we ask for any support to keep us going to face these difficult conversations and transformations. Please spread and share our givebutter. $1, $5, whatever amounts will help us keep operations going!


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Omni Commons is one of the largest collectively owned and operated community buildings in the East Bay, housing many organizations doing crucial grassroots organizing and mutual aid efforts essential to the future of a healthy and thriving community. With a looming foreclosure, we are asking for your support to keep our doors open. 

You can make a one-time donation here or - even better - support us with a monthly financial donation through our Patreon Campaign.

With community spaces are becoming more and more rare as rents rise and developers sell these spaces for condos, Omni Commons makes full use of our 12,000 space by serving crucial roles for the community: 


  In January, during one of the most severe atmospheric rivers of the season, intrepid Omni volunteers came together to open the doors to the unhoused populations, who were getting drenched and needing shelter. More than 50 individuals came through the doors, with donations pouring in from around the region. It was a testament to the power and potential of OMNI Commons. 


We are proud of our work, but are a turning point in our history and are asking for your support again.