Dan Kalb (District 1 representative including omni and sudo room) hosted a community meeting with the developers Nautilus Group tonight, and below are the notes I took.

In particular, I was given a verabl agreement with Randy Miller (president of Nautilus Group -- rmiller@nautilusgrp.com) that if we were impacted by pests, such as rests, due to their demolition of the plot at 48th and Shattuck Ave, they would be willing to compensate us for that. I told him we would email a proper accounting of those costs. Please let me know if you can help with that.

* Dan Kalb makes introduction, includes planners assigned to this project
** Mike & Darron
* Developers -- Nautilus Group
** Brian Caruso, John ? , Randy Miller, Charlie Testrum, Joseph Lee
* Dan is going to let Nautilus give an update, ask question, give comments, etc
** Get to your point, make it clearly and articulately, as quickly as you can. We'll take notes of course
** If you have questions, staff and nautilus Group
* Planning Commission Hearing 6pm on June 1st (Weds) @ City Hall
* Nautilus
** President -- Randy Miller, working on this project for 2.5 years (actually)
*** I see a lot of familiar faces, some of you I don't believe we've spoken to you before
*** The site itself has a much longer history
*** Former site of 1989-shut down Pussycat Porn Theater.
*** Global Video Store closed 7-8 years ago (or so)
*** Various development proposals for this site have been heard for ~10 years.
*** Acquired site in late 2013, implemented fairly large survey and survey groups
*** Held a design competition to ask local architects to submit their concepts
**** Then we developed our own design.
*** Been working with the city, and now it's scheduled to be heard before planning commission.
*** It's not too late to make adjustments. 
*** I will stay late to talk with anyone 1-on-1 if there's not time to cover something.
*** We've razed the bank (video store project), and have a demonstration project of urban farm.
*** Two levels of subterranean parking. Clarke st is proposed entrance. 
*** 144 spaces of first level retail parking.
*** 2nd level is secured gate residential parking (~148 spaces)
*** 204 Residential units (including 17 below-market rate units) + ~30,000 ft of retail
**** Primary retail is grocery store, plus street-level retail
*** Town homes will face little frog park and claremont, as well as Clarke at 51st st
*** 5 floors of apartments on top of the retail, stepping down toward Clarke
*** On top of project is urban farm with greenhouses incroporated.
*** Slide: 15 community meetings; Over 100 1-on-1 meetings, 13 open houses, 5 meetings with councilmember Kalb
* City of Oakland
** Planning Department - Mike Rivera
*** Working with applicant for a final design solution.
*** We studied w/ design review committee back in 2015 (sept 30th?)
*** City will be looking at land use issues and Sigua? issues -- documentation available on the city website
**** Impacts include: traffic, air quality, noise, aesthetics, shadow, and this doc will be discussed at the commission, to which the public is invited.
*** Applicant has consulted with staff, traffic consultant, and traffic planner.
**** Based on the plan submitted by the applicant, including new / revised sidewalk ramps around the site (ADA) and wider sidwalks on 51st and telegraph.
**** Includes removing the slip lane at claremont and telegraph. This is a narrow stretch and the goal is to eliminate that, revise the crosswalk, and create a bulb-out.
***** The goal of the bulb-out is to provide more space for pedestrians.
**** New crosswalk on Clarke st & 51st, as well as on Clarke St at Redondo. 
**** In addition to those improvements, the applicant is proposing to remove the nose-something of the island at corner of 51st and telegraph.
**** Decorative landscaping on 51st aproaching Telegraph
**** Public use walkway at Claremont, through the property to Clarke street.
* Q & A
** What about the low-income units?
*** Price depends on number of people in family, should be 30% of annual income (~50,000-$35,000 / year or below).
** Apartments are the plan, over condos at the time.
*** If condo demand was more substantial demand, they would change to for sale.
*** Currently planning on apartments.
** Where are the low-income units going to be located?
*** Dispersed, price will be set by market by time project is completed.
*** $3k-$4k / mo range. Studios for $2500.
** Concern brought up that teachers and nurses can't afford these units.
*** Explanation is that there is an alternative to make more moderately-affordable units, but that's going to take another year and they don't want to do that.
** Teresa from Frog Park (friends of?)
*** Asked to move entrance to 51st st. Trucks have been moved to 51st st, requesting residential and retail also enters the garage on 51st st.
*** The short st of Clarke has bad sightlines. This is going to be 100s of people coming in and out every day with their cars.
*** Respectfully request to move all the entrances to 51st st. 
** Traffic Review is available on city's website
** Concern about gridlock, traffic in event of an emergency
** At this point, most of these issues are being recorded rather than responded to by the developer
** Will there be a caveat (covenant?) in the permit that prevents the development unit residents from being eligible for permitted street parking?
** Will there be a wall to abate the noise / dust nuisance during contstruction?
** 18-20 months is construction duration, have not resolved truck access yet, have not yet made the construction management plan.