It looks great on the surface, but as with so many of these things, I find myself hungry for context, and the site provides none! Who built it? What were their goals? How will they be thinking about whether they are reaching those goals? How committed are they to fixing bugs, developing new features, doing outreach, ensuring that it reaches its potential, ensuring that it's not put to negative and unanticipated uses (spam, bullying, etc etc)? What kind of resources (financial, humanpower, emotional) do they have to bring to it? This month? This year? This decade?
These are the kinds of things that are probably known, and could easily be communicated through a prominent "About this project" page or similar. These days, when a page like that doesn't exist, I tend to think "Oh, that looks like an interesting project with potential" and move on, unless something actively pulls be back in.
Marina, do you know any of those answers? Are you in a position to suggest that the creators tell a bit of that story on the site itself?
I hope this doesn't come across as curmudgeonly. I think it's an easy problem to solve, so I hope this feedback is useful!