for the biohackers is a working meeting a hacking meeting or a meeting where business relating to the functioning of the group gets done? because if it means the latter, then our meeting is supposed to be that :P one thing that we discussed on the retreat was whether it was clear that this was the purpose of the meeting and whether we were really doing it. we've been experimenting with different formats for our meeting and will continue to experiment until we hit on something that both accomplishes what we need to get done (as defined by the articles: and is not extremely time consuming and sad (these are the twin goals people!).

- marina

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:50 AM, Romy Ilano <> wrote:
one thing i learned from sitting in the biohacking group was that (biohacking) patrick established a rule that they would have a "working" meeting, not a socializing meeting, with more emphasis on managing time wisely and getting things done.

i thought that was a cool approach.

i personally like talking a lot at meetings, socializing but i realize my extroverted style isn't respectful of other styles

perhaps we could experiment, do some "working" get things done quickly meetings with a minimum on longer speeches?

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