_______________________________________________On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Michael Scroggins <michaeljscroggins@gmail.com> wrote:--
The sentence implicitly draws a difference of kind between the lock picking class and the other Workshop Weekend classes. Doing so invites the question: What is the difference that makes broadcasting this workshop (in the way it was) regrettable? In an environment where the mayor, the chief of police and the media have all given the same answer - the class breeds criminals - allowing that question is regrettable.It's regrettable because it gave some easy pickings for the people who want to portray Oakland, and the current administration, in a certain way. Many of the people who are upset about the workshop aren't upset about lockpicking, they're upset that Jean Quan appears to encourage crime in her newsletter.It's regrettable because it sucked up airwaves and mental effort that might have been better spent.Drafting a reasoned and reasonable response lowers the blood pressure of the people who are up in arms just because they aren't informed. Some of them will come around, especially if they understand the actual intent of the class.Eddan, I'd like to participate in writing a statement. I was really taken aback when I read some of the emails and talked to some of the people who were actually upset.The media storm will blow over with the next foot-in-mouth opportunity from a local politician, but we have a great opportunity to reach out while the world is looking.Anca.
-=-=-=-Anca Mosoiu | Tech LiminalM: (510) 220-6660http://techliminal.com | T: @techliminal | F: facebook.com/techliminal
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