That sounds amazing. We will keep it locked to only our inventory screen so it’s easily accessible to volunteers! When can we get one installed? It’s spring/summer time and that’s when food not bomb gets an abundance of donations that often leads to waste because lack of record keeping! Hope this can bridge the gaps between waste and sharing surplus resources 😍

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 12:53 PM Jake <> wrote:
Hi Silver,

I'm sorry to not address your specific question but I want to offer the option
of an actual computer to be installed at the location of your choice, and
bolted down just to keep it from getting taken away.  The computers upstairs
have been there for years without being taken so that should be fine.

I understand that you asked for a tablet, but it would be very easy for us
(sudoroom, and Big Ed specifically) to provide a computer for your needs, at
zero cost.  And if it gets taken or broken we can just replace it, we have


On Tue, 22 Jun 2021, Natasha Zahn wrote:

> Hello Sudo folks!
> Food not Bombs your neighborly collective at the Omni is looking to
> purchase a table/I-pad to better track food flow and inventory. The goal is
> to have the tablet installed on the main Fnb fridge downstairs but we also
> want to make it theft proof. Does anyone have advice on how to installed a
> locked tablet to a fridge ?
> Kind regards,
> Silver