I vote for soft white lighting; the room looked so much nicer when CCL was using such light for their photo shoot.
On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:http://www.amazon.com/Triangle-Bulbs-White-Waterproof-Flexible/dp/B005EHHLD8/
300 white LEDs on 5meters of tape for $8.40, free shipping over $35
seller has warm, cold, waterproof, etc..Nice deal. Most of the LED strips are more decorative than designed for high powered room illumination though. For example, the one you posted there is only 4.8 W/m, while the ones I found were around 20 W/m. You could of course just zigzag them back and forth a couple time to get the same light output.The amazon listing claims they're 900 Lumen for 4.8W/m, but that does not compute. While some manufacturers are claiming up to 300-400 Lumen/Watt, that's only achievable in very short pulses. In light fixtures under real world conditions, you expect around 40-80 Lm/W, so I suspect that 900 Lumen is for the entire 5m strip, not just for a 1m section.Since the 8ft fluorescents are 5000 Lumen each, that means we'd need about five of these 5m LED strips per fixture to achieve the same light output, looping them back and forth about 10 times across the 8ft fixture.Patrik
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