i took it apart, put it back together & it seems to be "fixed" - by that i mean i was able to easily turn off the hot water

On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 5:08 AM Laura Turiano <scylla@riseup.net> wrote:
If you know how to do this repair, Jake, we would appreciate you doing it. Let us know and we will reimburse you for the parts or new faucet you buy.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 8, 2018, at 12:33 AM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
> I have many times gone into the upstairs (near the shower) bathroom and found
> the hot water tap freely running.  Every time I do, i turn off the supply valve
> from underneath, because the problem is that the faucet valve is not sealing
> and is likely continuing to run even when people shut it off.
> this is basic maintenance that's not happening.  The cost of running hot water
> continuously is primarily energy, because the hot water heater is burning
> natural gas (or is it electricity?) to heat fresh drinking water that's then
> being sent down the drain.
> The solution is to re-valve or replace the hot water faucet in the upstairs
> bathroom so it shuts off properly.
> -jake
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 23:26:53 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jake <jake@spaz.org>
> To: discuss@lists.omnicommons.org, building@lists.omnicommons.org
> Subject: water leak in upstairs bathroom
> i feel like i wrote this email a while ago but i'm not sure.
> the bathroom in the corner of the upstairs bathroom (next to the kitchen) hot
> water faucet is leaking, flowing openly continuously, unless it is vigorously
> forced off.  This does not happen.
> when i go into that bathroom (which is not often) i see that the hot water is
> just flowing.  Because the seal in the valve is worn out.  So i turned off the
> service valve under the sink to turn off the water to the faulty valve.  But
> someone else turns it back on.  and then people leave the water on.
> Omni has probably used thousands of gallons and hundreds of dollars in water
> alone, not to mention the wasted energy and money of heating all that hot water
> that's then flowing into the sewers.
> I am not going to replace the valve, but i'm here to point out the problem and
> hopefully someone will fix it.  If not, i'll block off the pipe since it's
> something I know how to do, but it would be a waste of effort since it needs to
> be repaired properly anyway.
> will someone please confirm they'll take care of this?
> -jake
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