the hardcore jerky action links are appearing again and again (Deleted this twice & saw a bunch of other people delete it)

It's coming in off an annonymous login (various IP Addresses)

Should we lock down the wiki  & make it editable by registered users only?


Romy Ilano

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 9:11 AM, <> wrote:
To check the recent changes and help combat spam, check out

// Matt

----- Reply message -----
From: "Romy Ilano" <>
To: "sudo-discuss" <>
Subject: [sudo-discuss] someone hacking the SudoRoom Wiki
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 15:58

Hey, I just fixed a hack on the SudoRoom main page.

Someone is hacking the SudoRoom Wiki - I don't know who, I know this probably happens often. Are there safety precautions? 

I undid the "hardcore jerkey action" - and I saw that someone also undid this shortly before I went on the page.

Any idea wh'os doing this?


Romy Ilano