it seems either way, I'd suggest to the group that we start fundraising toward the premise of the worst case scenario and hopefully come out with extra time. 

Bad news doesn't do well with people without the company of a solution or a goal. So Rob or whoever else, could you help me understand this situation?

If this information is not readily available, then we suffer from a lack of transparency.If we expect to solve these problems with our collective minds and labor, we need more information than a worst case scenario to direct our energy. Every person here has a big network of folks that are probably just as righteous and dedicated, We have the people power to deal with these issues. We all just have to come together and know what exactly we need to do.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:09 PM, robb <> wrote:
clarification: i just spoke to laurel from finance, again, & he informed me the 2 month warning was a worst case scenario. the $20,000 we may have (books are incomplete) will run out in 2-6 months depending on how things pan out.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:43 PM, robb <> wrote:
i attended the finance wg meeting tonight where i learned that our 4 months in this building may be more like 2 months.

additionally, the finance wg apparently has huge holes in their records & ask that the collectives give an accounting of any & all payments to the omni over the past year.

it was also suggested that we start making plans to exit the building around the new year as our $ will likely run out by then.


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