We'll have a meeting tonight at 6 pm both virtual and in person

Here's the link for online participation: https://meet.jit.si/SudoRoomMeeting

Cel may also provide a mumble gateway.

Maybe we should make it a bit of a work-meeting around re-opening and fundraising? We can do a quick round of intros and updates and then proceed to our todos?

# Covid safety info for showing up in person

Some of us can meet in person. I can't find any specific guidance for hackerspaces so let's follow what CCL has been doing which is 25% capacity.

The room's capacity as per fire inspection is 49 people max and we share the space with CCL so that's 6 people for sudo room. I'm just gonna declare that we probably won't have that many people showing up so we don't need to have people announce if they are planning to show. If you show up and there are already more than 6 people then you should wait outside and let us know and we can coordinate with people in CCL to ensure we don't exceed the 12 person room capacity.

Everyone will need to wear a face covering even if you are fully vaccinated. Don't bring in any food, though a personal beverage is ok. There is a non-contact thermometer mounted by the entrance to CCL, please use it. Do no show up if you or someone you have been in contact with has had symptoms in the past 14 days.

If you have hand sanitizer or electronics friendly disinfectant spray (e.g. 70% or higher isopropanol) then please some.

Your access cards to Omni may have been deactivated. We will be monitoring IRC and of course the jitsi call if you need us to open the door for you. We can re-activate people's cards after the meeting.