There are two email lists and a github-hosted (open source, editable) website for BACH, the Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces:

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Hol Gaskill <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

Went over to Ace Monster Toys today for the first time for their microcontroller meetup.  Similar mix of first time visitors and people randomly hacking on other things interacting. Also went down and checked out their shop, definitely pretty well set up on the fabrication side.  Anyone care to join for another visit to do some laser cutting and whatnot?

What ever happened to the idea of a federated coalition?  Would anyone else be interested in coming up with a scheme of being a member of multiple spaces?  One theory just brainstorming would be to have an RFID key or something to track what proportion of time is spent at various spaces and allocate membership dues proportionately.  I talked to them about applying their starving hacker rate to people with an existing hackerspace membership but the combined total would still be higher than necessary.  Thoughts?


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