Thank you, Jake. I just wanted to clarify some small details:

in October 2014 at a meeting, a provisional ban was initiated on J by Liz and
Korl provisionally while further investigation was done.

Korl and I didn't initiate the ban; it was brought to the Sudo membership by Pidgin.

for those who don't remember, Pigeon aka Gina? was banned later

Pidgin goes by a different name now (which I can't recall at the moment), but Pidgin and Gina are different people. Gina was the other party in the conflict resolution case with J, and she has not been banned from the Omni.

J remembers that this mediation process (and provisional ban) were moved to the "omni board" and I haven't been able to find any links to that discussion

I didn't bring the case to the delegates. I was waiting for a resolution to happen through Sudo after J submitted his formal letter, as requested. Hopefully we can move forward on that now.
