Hey it was great to stop by today! I saw the awesome crypto party folks and was impressed by the biohackers at Counter Culture labs.

I'm thinking about my next project for SudoRoom. I'd like to do something that ideally benefits both SudoRoom and another non profit at OmniCommons and use my skills!

I'm working on a cool non profit project (mostly the mobile party) called FoodRev.org
They are working with volunteers to distribute donated food to donation centers around the city. 

It'd be cool to make something similar for SudoRoom/Food not Bombs. 
This could even be extended to things like donations, scheduling clean up and waste disposal and bringing eWaste to centers.

Looking forward to nice things ahead. It's really great to stop by SudoRoom and Counter Culture labs on the weekend. I'm currently in-between jobs, but I'm going to get a new job soon and I'd like to keep going to my favorite hackerspaces, so that means focus on the weekend. 

The Sundays are great because the Biohackers are there... it adds a lotta life to the space! Maybe a Sunday stopover can be a regular thing? 


Romy Ilano