Excellent! Here's the links to my annotated floor plan (1pixel = 1 inch) and spreadsheet with measured square footage:

Omni_main_floor.png: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx0m7X6dHC0mVjBfUDE2VjN4OW8/edit?usp=sharing

Omni_basement.png: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx0m7X6dHC0mU0pTOFh5LW1CbFU/edit?usp=sharing

Omni_top_floor.png: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx0m7X6dHC0mUUFCdmUtcXFVRUE/edit?usp=sharing

Omni_rooms spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17DINigEczGwjfTdmdxl-MpYe1KJzJJDeCHRQnMC9usg/edit?usp=sharing

I sent these out before as files, but these are on google docs, so everyone can start editing the spreadsheet. Please use the same numbering of the rooms, so we have unique identifiers for them.


On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
i made a spreadsheet to calculate proportional cost sharing for a space with private and common space:


anyone with the link above can edit the spreadsheet.  please feel free to make changes to get a feel for how it works, but put things back with undo unless you've made improvements.

feel free to fork it by making your own copy of it, either on google drive or by downloading it as a file and playing with it in a program such as libreoffice.

the way it works is that you start by entering in the total monthly costs that the omni collective is going to need to come up with.  Like many things in life, this number is something we can't directly control so we enter it in as a given.

the next info we enter are the various rooms/spaces that we predict might become sectioned off for non-common uses.  We enter the dimensions or square footage of those rooms and the other numbers change to reflect the proportion of total space used by those rooms / subcollectives / groups.

the other thing we can adjust is the "percentage of costs shared equally" because simply using the actual percentage of space that is not private may not result in equitable costs-sharing among the groups.  So while actual percentage is calculated and displayed, the number we use to calculate cost sharing is something you can type in whatever you want.

I put in 40% to see what it would come up with.

do you think this is helpful?

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