What are you currently doing of what you plan to do? In other words, what is Oakland NeXt right now, versus where you would like Oakland NeXt to be?

How does Oakland NeXt fit in with the Omni's anti-capitalist values, especially considering it is offering things like "marketing training," and "merchandise production?"

How large is Oakland NeXt currently?

What kind of background do those doing Oakland NeXt's "training" have?

What will Oakland NeXt get out of being a member collective that it could not get through booking the space?

Oakland NeXt has repeatedly talked about putting cameras around the building as "cyber security." Not only does this not mesh with our values, but it doesn't mesh with many commonly accepted definitions of "cyber security." In order to be completely clear, can you clearly define the "buzz words" used in your proposal?

You talk about profit sharing. Is Oakland NeXt a non-profit organization or a for-profit company?

You say that you will be "more than able to contribute to the overall rent of the Omni." How much will you be able to contribute? Is this statement based a projection of funds without historical data support, or does Oakland NeXt already have a funding stream?

When you say you want the basement study room, do you mean that you want it as dedicated space, or just when you have meetings?

On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 10:09 AM, yar <yardenack@gmail.com> wrote:
A new group wants to be an Omni collective. The notes from last week's
Sudo meeting say nothing about this, so maybe nobody talked about it.
This is pretty important, so I am forwarding it. Please start thinking
of questions your delegate can ask at the next meeting. If you'd like
to ask questions directly you can reply to the omni-consensus thread.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brandon Garrett <brandon.scott2do@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:28 PM
Subject: [omni-consensus] Oakland NeXt at the Omni
To: consensus@lists.omnicommons.org

Oakland NeXt at the Omni

1. What is Oakland Next, what do we do, and what happens for the world
because of our existance?

Oakland NeXt is a progressive grassroots organization geared towards
the technological and intellectual development of the people. In
sucssesfully exacuting our vision we plan to create leadership in the
Oakland community and surrounding cities.

2. Whats the origin and history of this group?

Oakland Next started as an arts collective based in Oakland CA made up
of community organizers for youth, community outreach and  economic

3 .Why is Oakland NeXt interested in becoming a member of the Omni?

To broaden the scope of influence to better serve the community and
make it availible to all the people.

How do we intend on using the space? what are the needs of Oakland NeXt?

We will use the space for meetings, music, art, organizing events, and training

Cyber security & guard card assistance

Merchandise production

Marketing training

Talent scouting

Music production

Event planning and promotion

paid cleaning crews & construction crews

cook offs and nutrition training

Public announcements & media projects

Photography, Video and live stream projects


Fund Raising

Classroom organizing

Outdoor tripps/hiking/educational field tripps

4. How does Oakland NeXt support itself financially? what is your best
plan for potential contribution to rent in the Omni? fund raising
merchandising classes and events...

Using events, fund raisers, Classes, Merchandising, Training, and
studio time, we will be more than able to contribute to the over all
rent for the Omni.

5. What would be dedicated space for Oakland NeXt in the Omni and how
much sqr footage is needed?

The basement study room for meetings.

6. Other contributions.

The collectives of Omni want to eventually buy this location long
term. the plan is for every group of the Omni is paying a share of
rent, and the potenial plan includes groups sharing profit from
activities and events.

What is the best case scenario for using the Omni space to futher
support Oakland NeXt?

Donations, musical events, fund raising and community outreach.

7. Additional info we think would be useful.

Oakland NeXt is about improving the very quality of people’s lives
rather than a job or an obligation.

Oakland NeXt gives a big thanks to the collecives of the Omni for
considering us to be apart of this great opportunity to improve the
lives of The People!
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