Hi all,

I'm Steve Phillips, co-founder of Santa Barbara Hackerspace and Python/Go/JavaScript developer.  I gave a talk at DEF CON last year and in a week I'm moving from Santa Barbara to the Bay to be closer to DEF CON/cypherpunk-type people.

I checked out Sudo Room a couple days ago, and got to meet Jake/jerkey and a couple other people.

Anyone know of any places for <= $1200/month that's close to either Noisebridge or Sudo Room?  I've found Hack'n'Sleep and other "hacker houses"/hostels like that, but something less cramped or close to fellow cypherpunks would be better.

Any tips you have would be appreciated.  Thanks, and I'll see you all soon!


P.S.  More info in my Craigslist ad (but not that kind of Craigslist ad): http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/sha/5838167203.html

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sdphillips

GitHub: github.com/elimisteve