Hey if anyone is planning on going to the minicon and wants an (extremely) inexperienced ctf partner, lemme know

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 9:39 AM, William Budington <bill@inputoutput.io> wrote:
Hey Sudoers - come to this cool event on Thursday!  The CTF is going to be awesome, I helped engineer some of the challenges myself, so if you want to sign up for the challenge submit your team now - ctf@eff.org
Info is available at https://www.eff.org/event/eff-birthday-minicon and below I've formatted it to markdown cause why not

# EFF Anniversary Minicon
### July 16, 2015 - 12:00pm to 4:00pm
### DNA Lounge | San Francisco

As part of our 25th anniversary celebration, EFF is hosting a minicon that will include a security training, a capture-the-flag event, and a series of panels discussing the future of EFF issues in security, copyright and user control and online activism and speech. Tickets for the minicon, which runs from 12-4pm in the DNA Lounge, can be purchased separately or as a package with party tickets directly from DNA Lounge.

## Security Training

EFF Activist Nadia Kayyali will be on hand to provide practical privacy and security tips from 12:30-3, based on EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense project. Attendees will have two opportunities to go through threat modeling, with time for more hands-on tools and techniques discussions with Nadia and other EFF staff.

## Capture The Flag

Throughout the minicon, we will be hosting our first ever "Capture the Flag" hacking contest! Anyone present at the minicon will be eligible to participate in our 4 hour contest. The challenges will include web hacking, binary analysis, cryptography challenges, and more. Top competitors will receive special prizes! Participants should bring a laptop with linux or a virtual machine installed.

Space in the CTF is limited so please pre-register by sending an email with your team name and number of participants to ctf@eff.org. There is no official limit on team sizes but you will probably be asked to split up if your team is bigger than 3 people.

## Panel Schedule

Each panel will be moderated by an expert working on the issue at EFF. Each panel will be followed by a Q&A session:

 - 12:00 Welcome
 - 12:30 Panel I: Digital Activism and the Future of the Web as a Public Space, featuring Trevor Timm, Sina Khanifar, Annalee Newitz, and Amie Stepanovich.
 - 1:20 Break, discussion
 - 1:40 Panel II: Copyright and User Control, featuring Pamela Samuelson, Michael Masnick, Julie Ahrens Nelson, and additional guests TBA
 - 2:30 Break, discussion
 - 2:50 Panel III: Privacy and Security: The Next 25 Years, featuring Parisa Tabriz, Alex Stamos, Morgan Marquis-Boire, Bruce Schneier, and Deepti Rohatgi.
 - 3:40 Wrap-up and final discussion time

[Buy Tickets Now](https://www.dnalounge.com/calendar/2015/07-16.html)
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