Thank you!!! Lots to do still >_<
but great job so far, errybody!
I edited the Google Doc list the other date to reprioritize a bit as well -
At the bottom is a list of docs to print. I will print them at work today and see about taking time off tomorrow to join the walkthrough. What time is it scheduled for?
I feel it would be good to have people in the building doing their thing during the inspection, to show how continually actively the entire building is in use.


On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 6:01 PM Laura Turiano via commons <> wrote:
Thanks everyone for your efforts so far!
Remaining jobs to finish by early Thursday morning, in vague priority order, and probably not exhaustive
  • Shattuck and 48th st doors - adjust panic bars and door hardware so they open easily
  • Remove or safely store fluorescent tubes that are in corner of EH
  • Put a gas shutoff wrench by gas meter if there isn’t one
  • Safely store boxes of batteries in sudo
  • Install smoke detectors (in locked storage)
  • 48th st hallway - rehang fire extinguisher, paint and install baseboards and or molding if we have, remove blue tape, final mop, leave completely clear (bonus points  if you can mop/scrub the hallway to the bocce court with TSP while you're at it)
  • Matt, Monk, electrical crew - fisnish mapping electrical system, covering open panels, emergency lighting and exit signs installed and functional, wiring, replacing eh fixtures, etc
  • BASEMENT - organize onto shelves or get rid of all stuff in piles; Make basement look like storage, not event space; store Ken finish removing stuff, organize printers, remove all shiny stuff from ceiling, remove and store all extension cords
  • Finish painting wooden windows
  • Remove/paint over small amount of graffiti on outside of building towards 48th st doors
  • Finish and install awning
  • Move stove remnants, other metal from basement kitchen to EH for metal waste pickup on Wednesday
  • Bocce court bathroom - clean and organized, w compost and trash cans
  • 48th st hallway - rehang fire extinguisher, paint and install baseboards and or molding if we have, final mop, leave completely clear
  • Stage left bathroom - paint stained side of ceiling w glossy white, also stalls. remove graffiti on mirror, general cleaning
  • Disco room - finish painting, clean plexi floor, remove mirrors that aren’t hung to dump or store safely, restick Marley (tape in cabinet is disco room - Luka watched video on how to lay properly. If there isn't time for this just layit out flat over the floor )
  • Small classroom- remove excess chairs, boxes in front of electrical panel, cobwebs, straighten out
  • Bathrooms cleaned
  • Ballroom bar - final sweep and organize
  • Trash room - should look organized w minimum stacked cardboard
  • Make sure Shower is not dripping
  • Entry area to bocce court organized
  • Get rid of all trash piled in sudo
  • Basement northwest corner (where Village stuff was) ceiling water damage - cover and potentially replace damaged ceiling tiles
  • Remove hanging wires in den. If time, prime and paint ceiling
  • Sudo mesh area organized
  • Move Stage section upstairs
  • Fix broken stair steps
  • Disco room door - Wash w tsp; if time, prime and paint w grey in the storage
  • Wednesday evening - fisnish up any work in progress, general cleaning and organizing so everything is in its place, organize trash cans in rooms (a trash, recycling and compost can grouped together, except bathrooms need one compost and one trash) and put in bags/liners

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