Both of these would all be a great addition to a people finder tool (mycelia?) in a lot of different orgs.  Now I want said tool :/

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Marina Kukso <> wrote:
great idea and one that i support!

arizmendi uses a similar conflict profile in their cooperative, and our suggested user profile format for the sudo room wiki includes a similar question. you can check my profile for an example of what it looks like:

- marina

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:39 PM, mark burdett <> wrote:
Folks from AORTA - - gave a great talk on conflict resolution at Allied Media Conference this past weekend.  They sent along the template for their Conflict Resolution Profile Worksheet which could be useful for all kinds of organizations/projects dealing w/ conflict.

The idea is that everyone fills out a form listing their communication preferences before engaging in conflict resolution, so everyone has an idea of what works and what doesn't work for each person. If communication preferences clash, hopefully folks can find a way to compromise - adjusting their communication in a way that doesn't escalate things (but if there's a big divide, that's a sign that mediation may be helpful).

--mark B.

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