
Would the requirement for the club to not be "open to the public" mean that e.g. SudoRoom couldn't use this clause to register?

I've been looking at this clause for a couple months and can't figure out why more hackerspaces haven't taken advantage of it.

Matt (tips his hat)

On Thursday, June 27, 2013, Eddan Katz wrote:
As my task from this past week for the Mesh group has been to do some more research on tax structure advantages and disadvantages - I wanted to share my excitement about 501(c)(7) with everyone. Social Clubs! 
Check it out -- http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Other-Non-Profits/Social-Clubs.

Examples of 501(c)(7) ----

  • College social/academic fraternities and sororities
  • Country clubs
  • Amateur hunting, fishing, tennis, swimming and other sport clubs
  • Dinner clubs that provide a meeting place library, and dining room for members
  • Variety clubs
  • Hobby clubs
  • Homeowners or community associations whose primary function is to own and maintain recreational areas and facilities