The problem did seem to be fixed yesterday, but the disconnections are occurring again today and ramping up in frequency as the day progresses. Three or four days ago the connection would be lost every five minutes or so, yesterday I believe it was stable for the whole day for the first time in months. This morning it was once every hour or two, now it's about two or three times an hour.

On Feb 7, 2018 10:01 AM, "Yardena Cohen" <> wrote:
I think I fixed this - can you try again?

When we first set up the new router we had the same problem and solved
it with an iptables rule to let DHCP traffic in & out which had been
blocked before. The evidence is really obvious if you type journalctl
on the router - you see a stream of error messages like:

Feb 07 09:50:00 saros dhcpd[976]: send_packet: Operation not permitted
Feb 07 09:50:00 saros dhcpd[976]: dhcp.c:3903: Failed to send 300 byte
long packet over fallback interface.

When writing the rules into a file to make it permanent, I tried to be
too clever and added ' -o !enp3s0' to the rule because I thought, "who
wants to send DHCP to the WAN anyway? What could possibly go wrong!"

Then last week I rebooted the router, the new rules took effect, and
the extra '-o !enp3s0' caused the rule to fail (still not sure why),
thus blocking crucial DHCP traffic again. As soon as I replaced the
rule just now with a simpler one, the error messages stopped.

tl;dr my fault for being too secure sorry
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