Unless this is recent, it's been that way for a while. Could be what's causing rastering to work though but I cut last week without issue.On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:_______________________________________________i think it will allow you to jog left even if the switch is pressed. i know it's dumb but i think it only looks at the switch when it is homing itself. I could be wrong.
if not i can certainly bring a replacement but i'll have to see the old one first. or check those plastic 3d printers from 3dsystems that are kicking around.
On Mon, 22 Feb 2016, hol@gaskill.com wrote:
Hey Adam,
I was about to cut a stencil on the laser when I noticed the cut head wa
s bumping up against the left side and stalling the motor. I looked and
sure enough the steel leaf of the switch was twisted downward. I was a
ble to jog the head left while holding the limit switch down so I assume
the unit needs to be replaced. Do you know if there are any spares at sudo? I have some from open source hardware that look similar but didn'
t want to attempt taking off the rail to get at it and making it worse.
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