Now let's get the lockers going 
Financial independence for sudoroom 


Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla

On Jun 20, 2013, at 10:40, "Morten H. D. Fuglsang" <vallebo@gmail.com> wrote:

Is it beer? Yes. Subiir batch 4, the best brew as of yet. Hoppy and well-carbonated IPA. It pops.
Is it in the fridge? Yes. The drawer (mid-left, with a big sign) is now the place to get your beer-fix.
Is it free? No! It's not free to make, and the hacker-brewers are not in a position to gift it. Please put in $2 per bottle in the little box in the beer-drawer (you will see it). It covers our expenses, and any amount beyond that, a) to invest in equipment for brewing larger batches and b) to sudoroom.

Make a great day. Beerified.
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