I am interested in putting together a collaborative workshop on teaching techniques this Saturday.  However I don't want to conflict with the Oakland wiki event...so I'll host it as a potluck starting at 5:45PM.  

This will be about how to be a better teacher, as well as how to expand the TIL program and teach material outside of our collective comfort zone.  We will also aim to create a sudo wiki entry on this material.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 9:23 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso@gmail.com> wrote:
hi everyone,

due to a scheduling change, there's an available slot for a "today i learned" workshop this saturday: http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Today_I_Learned

if you'd be interested in giving a one-off talk, workshop, meet up, or anything else this saturday at 2PM, all you have to do is add your session to the wiki page. we'll help promote!

- marina

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