I'm sympathetic to the tension that exists for SudoRoom - are we a hackrrspace or a social worker community outreach center?

I think it's cool to make suggestions, but it's cool also to respect boundaries.

 People were pushing for SudoRoom hackers to become at risk youth mentors and outreach coordinators. While I respect that work, i think there are a lot of cool folks involved in social work who are great at that stuff. It's certainly not easy! and not for everyone.

As a woman I'm often pressure to be involved in initiatives for educating children in ways I don't feel hacker men are. It's almost like a second or third job! I guess it's just part of societal expectations =D

Overall it's a good thing though. It's cool being around activists, social workers, etc. It might be nice to push the lines, but it might also be unhealthy for social workers to interfere too much and not let hackers be hackers. 

Educating kids is great, but this is a primarily adult space with a lot of dangerous stuff. The pressure on female hackers especially to provide free babysitting and childcare for random children is also an understandable misunderstanding but needs to be gently pushed back.

thanks for being diverse! 


Romy Ilano