Thank you Romy for posting these videos. Unfortunately Chez Hack is no more! The Nottebohms, the wonderful former owners of Chez Hack (aka Chez Nottebohm), were the victims of predatory lending followed by foreclosure and ultimately, forcible eviction by the sheriff. Fortunately we managed to secure the vacant 1/2 acre property next door to Chez Hack 1.0, which has been deemed "Woodlands Sanctuary" - an amazing space situated in the woodlands connected to China Camp State Park. On this property I built an off-grid homestead, nursery with two greenhouses and of course, a hackerspace.

A possibility exists to host Chez Hack 2.0 at Woodlands Sanctuary if there is sufficient interest. There could be a workshop at Chez Hack 2.0 on alternative methods of acquiring and developing property on the cheap for cash while avoiding involvement of elements of the evil real-estate/banking industry. This would include secrets of how to acquire land for dirt-cheap and develop it for various purposes, including building a stealth off grid energy system made from low-cost off the shelf components. Incredibly, I have acquired over 20 properties over the years with some in various stages of development. It would also be cool to maybe build a few mini-shelters on wheels and donate them to homeless. In Marin county over 75% of the homeless grew up in the county and chose to stay here where they belong. Over half of the homeless in Marin are gainfully employed but are homeless due to the lack of affordable housing.

As with Chez Hack 1.0, camping on the property would be available with limited amenities. There's also great hiking and mountain biking on trails in redwood groves nearby. I should also mention that there is a rather strange arrangement that has to do with the abandoned foreclosed property next door, but I am not at liberty to discuss this in a public forum. 

So, let me know if anybody would be down for Chez Hack 2.0!

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Romy Ilano <> wrote:

i think jae kwon, jenny, me, jd, matt, everyone, mark, we were all there!

here are some videos from that weekend. it was truly magical


Romy Ilano

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