The Omni's insurance company is upset because people are sitting on the steps outside of the ballroom entrance drinking beer. We have tried talking to them but they're not being cooperative.

Since it's an emergency exit we can't make it hard to sit on the steps without also blocking the exit.

So! Taking a queue from the Copenhagen main train station me and Robb have set up a system that constantly plays loud dramatic atonal symphony music from the other side of the door.

Unfortunately we don't have any powered speakers that are quire loud enough to penetrate.

If you have any < 12" powered speakers that you'd like to donate to this endavour, please bring them by :)


For the technically curious:

It's a cheap Western Digital N750 router running openwrt with a usb stick full of mp3s, a usb audio interface and some desktop computer speakers.

Feel free to add music but ensure that they are mp3 format. Just turn it off before unplugging the usb stick. It will automatically start playing all mp3s on the stick when it boots.

We had the idea that it would be really useful if we could blast it only when people sit there, so if we had a camera that could specifically only see the steps and then allowed sudo/omni members to tune in and blast music when someone is sitting there, that would be nice.
