Yes, the building itself is certainly not worth a lot/if anything. It was built by one of the founders of that specific church, some 4-7 decades ago. One of the churchgoers' fathers I believe. But hey! with some creativity, skill and hard work anything is possible, and building new dwelling(s) doesn't necessarily have to be a 2 year project.Might even be possible to get for less than 400k.On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 4:03 PM, David Wild <> wrote:rad, max.-dw
you seem to know a thing or two about group financing. but for more info I bet you could get advice on group purchasing from this crew who is starting a community nexus in north oakland. check them out: . they recently acquired a huge lot on shattuck behind creative reuse!
i can put you in touch with one of the founding members if you like!On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Max Klein <> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hello All,==What?==There is a church that has gone bankrupt, and their property is for sale.
2439 Adeline StreetOakland, CA 94607
The appraisal value is $500k, but it is not on the market yet. (Appraisal pdf attached). So my feeling is that we can make an offer for somewhere around $400k if we organize quickly.
There are some pictures in the appraisal PDF.I have set up an appointment to View the church at 8pm on Tuesday 1st October. I'm inviting you to come see if you want.==Communal Buying==
There are several ways to buy the property. I am intrigued by a multi-buyer shared-equity approach. Where everybody that pays not necessarily equal amounts, owns equity in not necessarily equal amounts.
There has also been an offer of lender financing if we put $178k down.I am open to creative solutions.==Potential Uses==Currently it is zoned "CIX" commercial-industrial mix. That means that officially you can only use one-third of the space for living. If we were to get a mortgage we would need a business license. Of course thought once you own it, there isn't zoning police that check what you do with it.So we could make this into housing, hostel, a venue, keep it a church, have a tiny house village on the back bit.
Again I am open to creative solutions.==Get in touch==If you want to come to the viewing, please email or call me (7074787023).
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