So I read the incident from Scott's perspective. The subject was also titled "A very racist encounter..." There was no specific point of Robb being racist. 
"  After Deon was able to enter Omni, Rob then started following him around and harassing him, acting like a cop. Although this is egregious in and of itself, and a terrible counter-representation of the Omni's values, this all came to a head when Rob accused Deon of not being "an actual, normal, human being". 

If anything it is racist against the whole human race, not just one specific race. 

Then I feel the next part was a clear interpretation, of a non-racist event taking place. 

Whether or not this was intentional, it evoked longstanding racist attitudes that black folks have been subjected to, suggesting that Deon was less-than, or sub-human. Deon was so offended that he promptly left the Omni and has not been back since.  "

Then once again there is the misleading subject of "A racist encounter...." 

Are there any data points that may have been overlooked that could give us a better understanding of why a person would consider another person a racists, when the only thing I gather is Human Being which may translate to Human Race, yet then again that means all races. 

Just trying to understand how Robb is being considered a racist, by an interpretation of what seems to me being a "non-racist" statement. 

Robert Albert Young Chu

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:01 PM robb <> wrote:
i still haven't heard from anybody
i'm open to any form of resolution

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 7:52 PM Karissa McKelvey <> wrote:

let it be known also that 'serious accountability process' is not the same as 'mediation'  and I hope it is treated as the former, not the latter..

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 6:57 PM Pete Forsyth <> wrote:

All, I hope my intrusion is a helpful one. I'm viewing this from pretty far away.

I can easily imagine myself responding in the way Robb describes, without any racist intent. I can easily imagine it being legitimately interpreted as racist. I think the situation Robb describes is one in which balancing the needs for friendliness, security, and respect for oneself and others in the building would be *difficult*, and it's easy to err in any number of ways without ill intent. So I don't think any of you arguing about it necessarily have different values or even desire different outcomes.

I don't think that an email list discussion is going to lead to an outcome either/any of you want.

There was some mention of mediation, and I think that kind of structure could be helpful, if there's somebody willing to mediate. Is it possible to come up with a simple set of protocols to follow when somebody rings the bell, but can't demonstrate a reason they should be admitted?

Maybe having instructions readily available would help people in Robb's position respond in a way that everybody could appreciate. I sincerely doubt he wanted to do otherwise, even if his actions came off as hostile and lead to undesirable results.


(missing Sudo Room and the Omni and wishing you all well)

On 7/1/19 6:08 PM, robb wrote:
@ Niki,
i admit i got annoyed by the singular long ring of the door bell but
i think i'll take anti-oppression advice from someone other than the one
who originally started the bad blood with Almaz by refusing to allow her to
be an equal in your previous cafe enterprise

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