Yar is also in the CDC working group and I believe Jenny is working on Communications 

I'm on Finance, CDC, and joining the Commons wg although on whose behalf (BAPS? SUDO? La Commune?) is as yet un-articulated.... 

That said, both Jenny and Yar have put in a ton of work on this project over the last year and I'm sure they'd both appreciate new humans stepping in!!! 



On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Timothy Baron <timothythehuman@gmail.com> wrote:
Last night Kevin mentioned that the Sudo Room is expected to have at least three of its members participating in Omni Workgroups. Are we satisfying that requirement? I know Ben is in the permits/construction workgroup. And I think Yar is a part of the recently created scheduling workgroup. Is there anyone else? If not, is anyone willing to step up?

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