Just want to mention that its quite possible the person(s) responsible for this are not on the mailing list!
On Mar 31, 2015 4:54 PM, "joseph liesner" <blue393@lmi.net> wrote:_______________________________________________My Dear Omni-MatesWe came into the fnb kitchen this morning to find pans of greasywater on the stove which itself was littered with food debris. I havespoken with the FNB person who cleaned up after the Sunday mealhad been cooked and I spoke to Darin and Sussie Who used thekitchen around 7 pm and noticed that the same messes described abovewere already present.Need I say this is a gross violation of the offer to share this kitchen andadditionally insulting in that FNB p[rovides so much food to the Omnicommunity. I would like to hear from whoever created this mess that theywill not repeat such slovenliness or not use this kitchen again.Sorry but this is a Big Hammer issuejoe
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